From the blogger


Hello everyone! I would to introduce myself: my name is Emma, and I’m the new Jam and Tea blogger!!! I’m a Horsham girl now out in the big wide world. I’m one of many siblings, and proud to be, as it has allowed me to find my sense of  design and my love of art. Speaking of which, let me tell you a bit about myself, and how I find myself here.

As a child I loved to draw, paint and experiment with different media and styles. I’d even go so far as to say it was the best way of expressing myself, so I stuck with it through school and college, and finally university, where I studied Spatial Design at Falmouth. Uni came to an end, and now I’ve found the perfect combination of blogging, visual merchandising, event designing and a love for tea! (Pretty Things in Horsham has certainly helped!)

I am constantly searching for new ideas whether it be on Pinterest, TV, magazines, the list goes on! I appreciate anything that’s artsy and tasteful, and am open to all sorts of themes and styles. Personally, my favourite movement has to be the Kitsch movement: bright colours, cute, slightly uncanny, sprinkle of fun and a bit mad. My biggest inspiration by far has got to be my Nanny. She was a very glamorous lady, yet completely mad! Neon house, singing toilet seat, and a huge collection of china dolls. You get the picture!

So, why blogging? In short, I love finding new inspiration and passing it on! Through whatever form of media or background, I love to share my creativity and passion for absolutely anything stylish and new. Half the fun is in the finding! If you’d like to have a look at my personal blog, the link is here: and on instagram:

I am really excited to be bringing you all the latest from Jam & Tea, and hope you can all pop in regularly!


3 thoughts on “From the blogger

    • Hi!
      It’s Emma (jam and tea blogger ) thank you for your lovely comment! I’m really glad you like the blog! I had a quick look at your website and I have to say, I’m very impressed!
      How can I help?

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